Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thoughts on Sustainability

So, I have some comments about my last entry. Especificamente, the part about how poor people are here. YES, it is extremely sad how little people have, this is the second poorest country in this hemisphere, so it should be no surpise right? I wanted to say that, though I get frustrated at now being able to help people out with all the things they need right at the moment, we have to remember that throwing money at poor people, does not solve poverty. It makes us feel less guilty for all the things we have, and teaches them to wait for someone to give them money. Now, Im speaking of poverty as a whole, and im definatly not saying that some people dont REALLY need money in the moment, but speaking about our service here. We live in a little community, and EVERY SINGLE PERSON HERE needs money in a bad way. So our problem lies first in that though we would like to give money to people, it would run out in about 2 seconds and then we would have nothing left to give. We have to focus on doing things here that will keep giving long after we are gone. The problem is that we will never see the fruits of our labor, so when Im visiting my friends houses and they have so many needs, it feels like im a very stingy person.. and maybe I am, but I do believe that what we are doing here will benefit them in a different way.
I think what is really important is that as humans we
¨Learn to live simply, that others may simply live¨
This has long been a favorite ¨dicho¨ of mine, and it I think it holds very true. By learning that we dont need to buy and buy and buy, that really one or two knives is as good as a whole set, or that extra pair of shoes isnt necessary, can affect the world in ways you dont know. By having extra money that you can use in order to better others (in sustainable ways) of course, or better your education or give others education or experiences, we could really make a difference.
As for the comment about baptism in river. ... I dont think whoever ¨anonymous¨ was understands how contamination is a vicious cycle. You use the river when you HAVE no other choice. As for the people who contaminate it, or the people who need to drink it, or baptize in it. There are no other choices. When you live here, you just learn to close your eyes and go. There is no, water testing , there is no million rules. And sometimes it turns out allright.


Matt said...

I like this. You, my friend, are good at thinking things through. You have one of the most balanced ways of reasoning I have ever encountered. You know what necessity is, while you can still enjoy lifes luxuries, and you know what excess means.
I helps me so much to have so many different people in my life. I learn so much from each of them. Sometimes what TO do and sometimes what NOT to do.

Life here is pretty normal. Weather is getting warmer and I'm looking forward to reconecting with my good friend Nature.

Always glad to be in touch. You guys are great about keeping us up to date on your life down there. We'll try to be better at staying connected.

Later. -matt

JC White said...

I also think you hit the nail on the head in this latest blog. Teach a man to fish and he'll have a lot more meals than the one we give him at Christmas.... My wife Beverly and I are lucky to be in a position to help rather than ask so as we look for ways to "help" your comments are very appropriate. Enjoying the blog.

JC, Bev and Jonathan Stoy

Srishti said...

I can't agree more about your thoughts on poverty and giving to the poor (as it only makes them lazy) but instead "live simply so others may simply live!