Friday, December 11, 2009

WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to let you all know immediately that we have now met our goal for the project! I am in tears writing this right now because I think you all just broke some sort of record and raised the money in 4 days! This means that in a weak or so I will hopefully get the money and we can begin after Christmas. This is soooooo exciting. I just want to say how lovely it is to have things get done. I have been calling and pestering the mayors office for a good two months now to get the sand for the project and still don´t have it. (They promised me today, ... again.)

I want to say a special thanks to my sister T and my family for being so supportive and putting fire under lots of peoples seats. Here we say ¨pilas puestas¨ or batteries put. Thats them. Keep checking the blog for updates on the project. Today we build the oven, which WAS part of the project, but the PCPP committee made me take it off. I realized ALL the materials were donated anyway and so we have pressed on. It has been more than extremely difficult to get all the ingredients we need to build this more efficient oven, especially when working with only very old women. But hopefully tomorrow, I will be able to say that the Casa Materna now has an oven, and we will begin training on how to make bread with fruits, vegies and green leaves.

Thanks again. I love you all. God bless you during this season!


TM said...

I am so excited!! Sorry we're not there to help w/ the hard labor now!! Although Americans are seen as glutonous, I simply can't buy it. People here were so willing to give, despite our hard economy (which sounds odd down there, I know). Thank you to all who found it in your hearts to donate!!!! xoxoxoxoxox, Teresa

TM said...

((economic times, I meant :) ))

The Olsens said...

I am so glad you were able to raise enough money!! Such great news. Have a great holiday season!