Well we finished our map project with the kids. We had a ¨Nica¨style party, that is to say, that the band never showed up, the mayer barely made it and the refreshement was quite strange. We asked for 5 two liter bottles of Big Cola, and some cakes. We got 70 glass bottles of soda and 70 sandwiches. Plus, true to nica style, you cant just set food out. Everyone has to sign for it and write there name. Here is a picture of that.
Well, the new ¨plague¨is upon us. (I say this because its like one kind of bug hatches and is all over the place, then they disappear and a new one comes along... not because they actually plague us). In this case it is giant moths, the kind uncle don used to raise when we were little, only now they dont scare me. This one was HUGE! Almost 8 1/2 inches!
These are some random pics of our town center. Dont you just love the GIANT Daniel Ortega sign next to the mayors office. They are all over the country so dont think our town is any more phenatical. Anyway, I think, as with all of Daniels photos, its rather flattering and handsome. Dont you?....
Here are the neighborhood kids peeking in our fence. I made granola this week and gave them a taste. They were very enamoured with it. Since here the only way they use oats is to make a drink like horchata, they really though thought it was grand. They kept saying, ¨¡Que rico, ud es buena cocinera, que rico!¨ Anyway, we quite enjoy them sometimes.
Well all, thats about it. we are pretty good here. besides kory having a little flu, we have been quite healthy this month. Im even ¨echando carnita¨or in english.. getting fat again. bummer.
You will all notice that I have added a section about the casa matera. Instead of sending packages to us, maybe you can get a group of people together to do a collection for this cause. IOf you have interest in doing this, please contact one of us first and we can coordinate with you for how much and what. Well. Keep writing to us and commenting on the blog. We love you and appre
You should try and popularize freestyle walking while you're at it! You must give me credit however.
Yay! We have a blog too. Now I'm one of the cool kids. Finally.
Love ya'll!
I loved the entry. SO good to hear how you are doing and to hear that you have found as sense of belonging. Cool.
take care guys-
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